miumiu blog

This site contains my illustrations. ** This site also contains adult content.

Illustration of a woman wearing a suit

Illustration of a woman wearing a suit. It’s so difficult to express a sense of depth.

Illustration of sitting, naked womnan

Illustrations with shadows are very difficult. But I enjoy drawing !!

Illustration of a standing woman

I am starting to practice drawing colored pictures. I’m getting used to coloring.

Illustration of a painted woman

I am starting to practice drawing colored pictures. I’m getting used to coloring.

Sketch of smiling woman

Today I practiced drawing eyes. I feel like I can now draw a more natural smile than before.

Sketch of a woman wearing a swimsuit

I tried a sketch of a woman wearing a swimsuit. Next, I’ll try coloring illustrations.

Sketch of plumpy hip

I tried a sketch of a plumpy hip. I love plumpy hip !!

The sketch 2 of a woman in a swimsuit

Today, I tried to sketch the whole body of a woman wearing a swimsuit. It was my first time drawing the whole body, and it was very difficult to get the balance right. I have more respect for illustrators than ever.

Sketching a woman in a swimsuit

I tried sketching a woman in a swimsuit. Big breasts are very attractive !!

My first sketch of a smiling face

Today I sketched a smiling face. But I’m frustrated because my sketch looks like a little sad face.